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Snapping success: How to pick the perfect photographer for Your brand

If you’ve been tuning into our recent chat about putting together a smashing website, you’ll know one thing is crystal clear: the right photos can turn your good website into a great one. So let's talk about a task that can be a bit of a head-scratcher: choosing the right photographer. 📷

Why go pro? 🤔

First off, let’s address the elephant in the room. Why not just DIY the photos? You've got a phone, right? While that's true, a pro photographer comes with all the bells and whistles: top-notch gear, experience, and an eye for details you didn’t even know mattered. Your website deserves that level of polish, doesn't it?

The right style 🎨

Not all photographers are cut from the same cloth. Each has their own style, and you'll want to find one that vibes with your brand. A quick scroll through their portfolio should give you a pretty good idea if they’re the right fit.

The business of photos 📊

While you're at it, ask to see examples of their business photography. Without that, you might end up staged like you’re at a wedding—someone being carried like a baby or all lined up like a bridal party. Hilarious? Yes. Professional? Not so much.

Jeremy’s tip: Don’t be scared off by a few wedding photos though, most photographers who do business/commercial photography also do weddings. But if you can’t find any business examples on their website—ask them for some examples.

Budget talks 💷

Let's be upfront—good photography is an investment. Different photographers have different rates, so set your budget beforehand. Quality often comes at a price, so consider it an investment in your brand's image.

Communication is key 🤝

Be clear about what you want. The more specific you are about your vision, the easier it will be for the photographer to deliver what you're looking for.

Jeremy’s tip: A great photographer won’t just deliver exactly what you ask for. They’ll make recommendations and suggestions to improve on what you’ve asked for by tapping into their years of experience. We also asked Ruth Gilmour (a legend behind the lens) for her advice on choosing a photographer:

Ruth's tip: A successful photoshoot doesn't happen by accident. The photographer should support their client in the planning phase so you get the most marketing mileage out of the photos that are created. Our job is to help you craft your shoot so that it runs smoothly on the day and you don’t have that ‘I wish I got this shot’ moment later! Styling is an important element and many photographers will have a styling guide to get you started. Some will even do a wardrobe edit over zoom or at your home, if you're not quite sure on what to wear!!

Location scouting 🗺️

Whether you need the controlled environment of a studio or the raw beauty of an outdoor setting, sort it out early on. Your choice of location can affect both the budget and the vibe of the photos. The light a location can offer will make or break the shoot, so make sure you check in with your photographer. Many will have a list of local shared spaces that photograph well and look great in images, so ask them for help if you are stuck!

Check the fine print 📃

Contracts might be tedious, but they're crucial. Look out for clauses about image ownership, usage rights, and deliverables. If you’re unclear on anything, don’t be shy—ask away!

Peek at the reviews 🌟

Last but not least, check out reviews and ask for references. Sometimes the most valuable insights come from those who've been in your shoes before.

So there you have it—your cheeky little guide to picking the perfect photographer for your brand. We can't wait to see what you come up with! And remember, we’re just a click away if you fancy a chat or need a bit of help. 🤝