Domain names & business email accounts
Rocketspark offers hosted email mailbox options & domains, however you can also host your emails & domains with another provider.
Domain names
Whether you want to keep your existing domain name or get a brand new one, we can help.
Keep existing domain
Transfer your domain to Rocketspark
$35+GST now on transfer then nothing until your next renewal date.
Host your domain elsewhere
There is no charge to host your domain name with another domains provider.
Get a new domain
Free domain offer
Get one new domain name, free for one year on all plans. See included domain types.
Additional new domains
All other new domain names outside of the single one year free domain offer are $35+GST per year.
Set up your domain & email today
If you don't yet have a website with Rocketspark, start a 30-day free trial today. It's easy to register/transfer domain names and then create email mailboxes from your Rocketspark account.
Business email and more
Grow your business with Google Workspace. Whether you want to keep your existing email address or get a brand new one, we can help.
Personalised emails, storage, productivity & collaboration tools for all the ways that we work
Compare plans and pricing
Business Starter Plan
$10.80 / User / Month
Custom and secure business email
100-participant video meetings
30 GB pooled storage per user
Security and management controls
Standard support
Business Standard Plan
$21.60 / User / Month
Custom and secure business email
150-participant video meetings + recording
2 TB pooled storage per user
Security and management controls
Standard support
Business Plus Plan
$32.40 / User / Month
Custom and secure business email + ediscovery, retention
500 participant video meetings + recording, attendance tracking
5 TB pooled storage per user
Enhanced security and management controls, including Vault and advanced endpoint management
Standard support
Google Workspace provides flexible pooled storage per user that is shared across the organisation.
Prices are in NZD and exclude GST
Signup to Rocketspark to secure your Google Workspace account
If you already have a Rocketspark website, contact us to discuss options to get Google Workspace.
Build trust with potential customers
Business email accounts that have your domain name after the @ symbol are important for building trust with potential customers and converting more leads into business.