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Flint makes SEO easy for designers

One of our Design Partners got a client’s website ranking on Google’s page two within two days of going live, something she said was only made possible with the help of Rocketspark feature, Flint.

Flint, enables designers to create content for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) while giving you feedback on your page score - helping you to know if you’ve nailed the core SEO requirements.

At Rocketspark we've seen both clients and designers struggle with the basics of SEO and that’s why we built Flint—smart AI tools that help you optimise your websites for Google Search results as you design.

Recently we checked in with some of our Design Partners to see how it has been working for them.

Melanie Cosford, founder of Melanco, launched a new site, Taranaki Animal Protection Trust (TAPT), recently and, she said, it was page two on Google just two days later. 

“My keyword research, along with the simple, intuitive nature of Flint really work well together.  TAPT was ranking in Google within a couple of days and that's without any offsite SEO.”

She said she used Flint for each of her websites now as it stepped her through the process and gave her a great reminder of what needed to go where.

Todd Harper of THread Co. said he’s found it to be a great tool. 

“It’s especially good for getting a new site ranking quicker than traditionally. And it’s good for consistency and speed of deployment.”

Natalie While, Creative Director of Magic Fingers, said she loved Flint because it was so easy to enable on-page SEO.

“You get instant feedback on your page score - helping you to know if you’ve nailed the core SEO requirements. It’s a great tool to manage changes on the fly as well,” Natalie said.

Flint's SEO tools will help you find a keyword that's relevant to your client's industry, business and location. This is an important first step in the process to getting their site found in Google.

Use Flint to help with website design and SEO, whether you're new to Rocketspark or you've already mastered our website builder, Flint steps you through the process and helps you by suggesting keywords and content for headings and paragraphs. You can also see the progress you and Flint have made on key website pages while you design, speeding up your workflow and saving you time.

Learn more about Flint here.