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From checkout to charity: Rocketspark's GoGenerosity widget makes generosity easy

How a simple generosity widget has helped a Rocketspark customer provide $2,400 worth of their products to local charities. 

Honest Skincare, a Rocketspark eCommerce customer, is an Auckland-based skincare company that focuses on New Zealand grown products to reduce their carbon footprint. Most known for their Kawakawa range, the team sources leaves from native bush, never collecting from the same spot within a year to allow regeneration.

Their ethos of sustainability and care for the environment and those around them extends to the social good initiatives within their business. In the past, Honest Skincare had given gifts away ad hoc, but it felt hit and miss. They never really knew how the products were being received or the impact they had, and wanted a way to be able to give small and often.

Picture of Janna from Honest Skin Care

That’s where the GoGenerosity pay-it-forward widget came in.

GoGenerosity is a Tauranga-based software company that makes it easy for businesses and their consumers to be generous and help locals in need. Together with Rocketspark’s developers they created an easy plug-in widget for Rocketspark eCommerce sites, one that can be added instantly. This widget sits in the cart and gives customers the opportunity to to pay-it-forward (donate) a small amount at the checkout.

These donations are collected and used by the business to provide their products to charities who need them, with stories of generosity reported back via GoGenerosity’s platform.

Graphic of the Honest Skincare checkout on their website, showing the GoGenerosity widget in action

For Honest Skincare this widget has resulted in them being able to pay-forward $2,400 worth of natural skin products to Breast Cancer Support Services Tauranga Trust (BCSS). For those in BCSS’ care, this provides soothing products they can use on aggravated skin while going through treatment, as well as a way to feel cared for during a tough time.

The result extends beyond monetary donations. Now Honest Skincare knows their products are going to people who will benefit from them, and their staff and customers are delighted to be part of making a small difference to locals who need it the most.

Like many eCommerce businesses there were questions around if this would impact the checkout experience negatively but the proof is in the generosity with 5.6% of Honest Skincare customers taking the opportunity to pay-it-forward.

Quote from Janna, Honest Skincare Owner: "I've travelled the cancer journey with family and friends more than once, and I know it can be a confusing and frightening time for both patients and supporters. I am so pleased Honest Skincare can help in a small way to make the journey a little easier. Doing something nice for yourself is an important part of daily routines in feeling well both physically and mentally during this time. For our business, our customers like being able to add a dollar or two to their purchases to help someone out. There is a real feel-good factor in being able to make a small difference to someone else's life."

Honest Skincare’s own marketing has helped to support this, featuring the option to donate in their email newsletters and blogs so customers are warmed up and ready to do good.

For any eCommerce store looking for a way to add social good to their business, both consistently and easily, we can recommend the pay-it-forward widget. The impact it’s had on Honest Skincare by making it easier to be generous as well as engage their customers is great to see. The pay-it-forward widget requires no setup from the business and is activated within minutes upon signing up to GoGenerosity. 

See our GoGenerosity ecommerce widget page if you’re eager to learn more about making generosity an easy part of your customer experience.

Check out Honest Skincare's site and make a purchase to see the GoGenerosity experience.