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Embracing Upskilling: A journey of growth as a freelance Graphic Designer

Discovering a Passion for Graphic Design

We recently had the pleasure of chatting with an incredibly talented graphic designer, Eimear Boyle from Emer Creative. Originally from Ireland, Eimear has always had a knack for art throughout her childhood. But get this—she actually studied equine science and completed a business degree! Talk about unexpected paths, right? Well, fate had something else in store for her. Three years ago, she found herself in Invercargill, New Zealand and landed a role in a corporate veterinary industry business. The twist? There was no in-house graphic designer. Undeterred, she delved into online resources, and lo and behold, she fell head over heels for marketing and design. It was like destiny had nudged her in the right direction.

Taking the Freelance Route

It all started around two years ago when Eimear had been with the company she worked for, for one year, gradually working her way up to Marketing Team Lead. She noticed they were outsourcing their website design and paying a pretty penny for any changes that needed to be made. That's when, through word of mouth, she discovered Rocketspark and thought, "Why not bring web design in-house?" She dived into learning the platform, took the lead, and became the go-to person for all things web-related. A skill which would later fuel her emerging side-hustle as a freelance graphic designer and marketer.

Curiosity Creates Opportunity

Feeling curious about what this new found web design skill meant for her career and hungry to fuel her new found passion of marketing, Eimear remained open-minded about what opportunity may come next. Up until now, Eimear had been building up her confidence by studying YouTube videos in the evening and soaking up any knowledge she could find online. 

Eimear then discovered that Rocketspark had an Academy course that allowed her to further upskill, this felt like perfect timing and the logical next step. So she jumped on board, ready to soak up all the knowledge. Her experience? In her words, “The tutor, Sarah, was amazing. I couldn't have asked for better really, the content and the breakdown of the weeks - I really enjoyed starting my week with it. The content was really good and useful in my work.” Oh, and the community she became a part of? Priceless. It was like having a support squad cheering her on every step of the way. “The community that we built was really cool. We would share ideas and work together through the weeks”.

Confidence and Growth

When we asked her about the impact on her confidence, Eimear said " If I ever felt stuck with anything, I would just give the team a call. There was one instance where I had a pretty big client in Invercargill, that I’m now doing another website for, and I felt kind of stuck with something that I knew deep down the answer to, but wanted to bounce the idea off the community and team. I had the Rocketspark team to lean on - Jason was really helpful! And, they always have workshops, which are really good for us Designers” It's truly amazing how the right support and guidance can make all the difference.

Embracing Lifelong Learning

Eimear truly believes that learning is a lifelong journey. As she eloquently puts it, "I'm all about expanding my horizons and staying on top of the ever-changing design landscape. Trends come and go, and as a designer, I want to be at the forefront. Learning and improving my skills is just something I love to do." Isn't that the spirit we all need—a thirst for knowledge and an unwavering dedication to growth?

The Return on Investment of Time

Before wrapping up our conversation, we asked her about the return on investment of her time for professional development and specifically the Rocketspark Academy course. Her response was emphatic. She said, “The content in the course was pretty amazing. You learn about the Rocketspark platform, but you also build a community. I wouldn't necessarily call the people in that course my competition; it's collaboration. I know it's difficult, even if you're a small business, to invest in your education, but it's the best thing you can do”.

Closing Thoughts

We can't help but feel inspired by Eimear’s journey. From unexpected beginnings in her career, to investing her time in upskilling and then going on to embrace the world of freelancing - she exemplifies the spirit of growth.

Eimear, thank you so much for taking the time to share your story with us. We feel you’re ready to take on the world of graphic design as a freelancer. You’ve already achieved Site Of The Month finalist - twice! And you’re only just getting started with building your own brand.

To follow Eimear’s journey, find her on Instagram and visit her website.