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Giving back is personal

Kath Boyd, founder of OMG Solutions, website and digital marketing specialist enjoys giving back to the community, especially young people who need a hand, all because of her own journey.

“I came across The Acorn Project two years ago when Rocketspark put a voucher in our Christmas cards. The voucher was for us to choose a not-for-profit organisation and give them a free website for life, cost on Rocketspark.”

Kath put it out to all her clients and the people she knew in the community to nominate a not-for-profit business in Hawke’s Bay.

One person put forward The Acorn Project and she went from there. 

The Acorn Project works with young people and their families in the Hawke’s Bay who have cancer or have family members living with cancer.

“Why I chose them was very personal, my dad died of cancer 20 years ago. The fact that they work with young people between the ages of 12 and 24 was a big thing, I was 20 when my dad died and I thought, ‘imagine if The Acorn Project had been around then’, my journey with grief would have been different.”

Kath built the website and she still helps out with ad hoc marketing every now and then when they need it. 

For that work, and more, Kath was a finalist in the Rocketspark Launch Community Good Awards this year. She said it was an awesome category to be a part of.

“Looking at the other entries it shows there is a whole lot of good work going on across the Rocketspark network.

“After I’d sent in my application, I released there was a pattern to who I helped. All of the not-for-profits and community groups I’d done things for help young people and their families. 

“But not just their families, there’s a ripple effect that goes on through the community and potentially the generations to follow,” Kath said.

One of the other community groups Kath helped in the last year was the YMCA Hawkes Bay, after being approached by a client who she’d worked with previously.

“After talking with them I learned they’d had some real issues around bookings because their existing website was so old and complicated.

“So, I made them a really simple, easy to use website, on Rocketspark. I had a lot of fun building that website because it was unlike anything I’d designed before,” she said.

Kath was approached by another of her clients who worked for Tararua Rural Education Activities Programme (REAP) wanting help with their website and, again, the website they had was very old and in need of updating.

“They really needed to become mobile friendly as more and more of their clients are using mobile devices. 

“This was another great project, Tararua REAP supports not only young people across all ages, they focus on growing and strengthening their community. 

“They now have a website that can help support their business to reach its full potential,” Kath said.

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